Feb 01

One think I like to eat weekend mornings is papad, a thin, crispy Indian snack food made from lentils. These have cumin and other spices baked in.

So this morning I was enjoying some coffee and papad, when I heard Baba scream from the kitchen. Baba is still a fairly young monkey so he gets easily spooked. I buy my papad at the Indian grocery store here, imported from India. As with all such cross-cultural situations, sometimes marketing departments don't do as much research as they should. Bunny's are normally cute, but I think even the Donnie Darko producers would have nightmares about this guy! Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to run into that kid late at night either! Can you say R E D R U M?

Note: this is an entry from the photo blog Daily PicNick


Kris said...

Yay for Baba!!

I agree, that's kind of a scary looking bunny.